Qt Serial Port Baud Rate

Posted : admin On 26.01.2020

I've been banging my head the last two days. I have a Freeduino Board with the ATmega 328, running at 16Mhz. I am using a simple serial protocoll to communicate with the Freeduino, similar to the protocoll described by Guyt. On my host I have a program written in Qt, communicating with the Freeduino. Everything works fine as long as I stay below 28800 Baud. At 28800 and above I don't get any answer back from the serial interface.

Strangely, If I use the Serial Monitor, I can go up to the 115200 Baud rate. On the Qt side I already used two different libraries for the serial communication, each resulting in no communication above 19200 Baud. Does anyone have an Idea where to search for the Problem?

Any good Idea for debug is welcome. Thanks for the hints so far. I managed to strip down my Problem to a simple example that does not need Qt. I have a sketch for arduino and one for processing with the exact wrong behavior. The processing side sends an command string to the arduino and there it is returned with a OK added. As soon as I use a speed above 19200 (28800 even crashes) the processing side always claims to receive 'null' Slower speeds work fine. Could someone please try those two sketches at a high Baud rate?


Here's the arduino code. Well, as I stated before, the serial monitor seems to be the only thing that can communicate with my arduino at 115200 Baud. Everything else (QtSerial or Processing) simply does not work at any speed above 19200Baud. Something seems different in the way that the serial monitor communicates with the arduino compared to my applications. Does anyone have a high speed example showing data exchange from a processing sketch to the arduino at 115200 Baud, that I could use as starting point for my application? Both of your serial streams passing over the same pin, aren't they? Do you really need to save the two pins that moving 'your' stream (as opposed the the one used by the development system) to dedicated pins, by using NewSoftSerial?


Linux Set Serial Port Baud Rate

If not, it removes all possibility of your stream and the serial monitor's stream clashing. And it is easy to do. Xforce 2017 software download. (That's couched in 'Delphi running the other partner in the exchange' terms, but there is lots of generally useful material along the way.).