Gold Hack Atlantica Online Cheat Engine

Posted : admin On 05.01.2020
  1. Atlantida Online Honduras

Will is serverside Actually the idea is to 'read' it, not change it. And that alone is a problem currently, the same for the Ingame Time in the bottom left, the ' X hrs Date' is something i can read with Cheat Engine as: '#hour# hrs #month#day#year#' So problem is that the '#hour' is actually not a value i can read out and i cant find it searching for a Integer, Float or Text value. Will is similiar, as: 'Will: #Will', so here again i dont know what the #Will is for an type, and i cant find the value in the Memory, but reading it is actually a lot better than using PixelGetColor and PixelCheckSums to get the value. Does the cheat engine work for this anyways i tend to die anyways after applying more HP or run out of MP Ofcourse 'that' doesnt work, test if your value is just the Text on the window (which has no real meaning) or if its a 'ingame' value.

You can easy change your Money Value to something like 999.999.999.999 however ofcourse it has no effect as your real money is still the same and if you go in the bank and place 1 gold in, your gold value refreshes. This values 'must' be stored server sided, as hacking them would be way to stupid. But you can hack client sided things, which is pretty much anything with Animations, moving around and such. About the will: The game says your will depends on your level.

So at lvl 50 you would have a total of 50 will. By searching for 100% you would actually just search for the display instead of the actual value. You allways have 100 Will, later on with higher level you get to 125% Will. The problem with the Will Value is simpel that it displays 19% for example, so searching for a 19, than if it becomes 20%, search for 20 gives no Result for 4-Integer, so i tryd Float number with the%-Value, like 80% is 0.80 and things like that, no result, so tryd with Double and in the end tryd with Text. Whatever it is, i am unable to actual read a Memory Address that displays just the Will Value, if someone can get one, Post it.


TheOnlyOne i have try to check will value also. I set Scan type ' Unknown Initial Value ' and them change to 'value increased' if will value goings up otherwise 'value decreased' and didnt found nothing. During scan i noticed that there are a lot of values that always increasing 2345,2375. Maybe will value is store in 3 mem adress one for each digit and also have a timer. Anohe and hard way could be that will is store between two or more values and they get result = a1-a2+a3 or something hard.

Gold hack atlantica online cheat engineOnline

Atlantida Online Honduras

I still looking for it but it take a long since unkown initial value always get first time 8billion of result xD. Will is not a Number, its a Text and UniCode. If its at 100% (or 125% depends on lvl) scan for TEXT '125%', than use something like a exp book, and scan for the Value (115%) before it changes ('might' effect the Scan, if you are too slow).

In the end you get the Value which contains 4 Values: They are: '1' 00 '2' 00 '5' 00 '%' 00 Reading them with AutoIT is kinda special, as i read the Values in the Order they are in the Memory according to Cheat Engine. And i end with: 21%5 So they are switched and i have to change them to be correct again (might be effected due to Little Endian / Big Endian ). So i reverse the String after 2 Memory Reads, so its: 125% again, than cut the '%' from the String to end with the number that actual matters for me; The will value alone. Problem so far. I can't find a pointer to this, and so it simply changes with every Atlantica Start and you have to search the first Start of the Memory again. Cheat Engine gets down to a 'Memory Copy' and Pointers allways point back to where they started, never to a Static one that could be used, so i think i might need to get the Memory it actual 'Copies', which is kinda strange (as its special Memory, not just a simpel value).