Foxmail Microsoft Exchange Server

Posted : admin On 18.01.2020
  1. Foxmail Exchange Account
  2. Microsoft Exchange Server

Setup Office 365 in Foxmail (POP3 & SMTP). In my home computer, I don’t want to install bulky application like MS Office, since I don’t do my work on it and I don’t want to spend on software that I don’t use often.

Microsoft exchange loginFoxmail gmail

Foxmail Exchange Account


Microsoft Exchange Server

But I need the an email client such as MS Outlook which is bundled with MS Office to send and receive emails. Luckily, there is a free email application Foxmail that can send and receive emails of my Office 356 mailbox. As far as I know, Foxmail 7 support receiving and sending emails from Office 365 mailbox. The following POP/SMTP configuration parameters can be found in POP setting Server name: Port: 995 Encryption method: SSL SMTP setting Server name: Port: 587 Encryption method: TLS IMAP setting Server name: Port: 993 Encryption method: SSL After it’s created, the “Mail Server” setting of the mailbox should have the same configuration as the show in the following screenshot. Make sure that “Use StartTLS if server supports” is checked otherwise, you won’t be able to send emails.